Monthly Archives: August 2013

Completion of the Table


Ok, so I’ve been really slack!! I left you all hanging in the lurch re the completion of the table! Sorry about that. I DID finish it, despite Melbourne’s Autumn being hotter than Hades (he was the Ancient Greek God of the Under world – did you know that?). Of course, by the time it had cooled down enough to grout it, it was too late in the season to sit around and use it, so it has been marinating in the Winter rains and will be ready to go come Spring!

Here’s a close up so you can see that I really did grout it.


Here it is sitting out amongst the Autumn leaves…


You will be happy to know that we had a lovely afternoon tea to celebrate the completion of the table..


There were raspberry and white chocolate muffins and cups of tea.. I don’t break up ALL of my beautiful china.



There were also still roses flowering in the garden..


(The painting is by a dear friend from Canada – check out her artist page Kari Lehr Art).

So the table was finished and celebrated but

I still haven’t grouted the other pot.


Looks like that will be this coming Summer’s job ( I might even do it in the Spring). I’ll let you know…

In the meantime I’ve been back at it making buckles and necklaces and earings etc.. for the markets..


Romanesque 288 Big Cartel

If you are interested I’ve put the bucklesĀ onto the Big Cartel store –

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